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September 25,2020

Wyndham Central College’s AVID learners

Wyndham Central College’s mission, according to assistant principal Concetta Faranda, is to prepare students for success post-year 12, with a clear aim of supporting students to achieve success – at school and in society.

She says the school uses the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program, which provides teachers and students with a tool kit of best teaching and learning practices.

“The AVID program explicitly teaches students the Education State high impact strategies – for example, to think critically and develop their reading and writing skills,” Ms. Faranda explains.

“AVID is a research-based instructional model for effective teaching which accelerates student learning. It’s designed to increase school-wide learning and performance and provide students with the skills and confidence to be active global citizens.”

She says that since introducing AVID at the college in 2013, they’ve had exceptional success.

AVID is underpinned by the WICOR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organisation, and Reading) teaching framework. All elements of WICOR are incorporated into lesson plans to support students to actively participate in their learning and gain the skills and tools to be lifelong learners.

AVID is taught by AVID-trained teachers in all classes from year 7 – 12. Year 9 – 12 students who wish to extend their rigor and are willing to extend themselves further, and actively show determination to succeed, are eligible for additional support through AVID Tutorology.

“In the AVID elective, our partnership with Victoria University enables tertiary students to facilitate small group tutorials, supporting our students to expand their knowledge and understanding of rigorous concepts.

“Statistics show that students who undertake the AVID method for three or more years have tripled their success rate of entering and completing a university program.”

Wyndham Central College is located less than 10km from Verdant Hill.

This article was originally published on starweekly.com.au.